Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Nature vs Nurture” is the debate on whether our behaviors are caused because we were born like that or because through our environment we were taught it. The phrase was first coined by the English polymath named Francis Galton. He got the idea from his cousin, Charles Darwin, in his book “On the Origin of Species”. Some things that are debated are: personality, athletic ability, criminal behavior, homosexuality, and intelligence. The general consensus is that both nature and nurture influence us. Even in some traits, both nature and nurture influence our way of being. For me, we are all born simple. We know what is good and bad. We know we must love. We are born with certain fears. However, the rest is taught to us throughout our lives. Every human has different experiences throughout their lives. No one person has the same life as another. However, we may, at times have similar experiences. Because of this, I might share similar views on certain topics with another person. However, I will never have all the same views. My personality is formed through my interactions with others. From every person I meet, I pick up a certain trait. In conclusion, both nature and nurture influence our lives.


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